Friday, September 11, 2009

Improvements Underway at the 'Shire

The Westfield Wheelmen wasted little time in starting improvements to their home, Wheelmen Park at Berkshire Industries, affectionately known to their cranks as 'The Shire.' With the closing of their pennant winning season, construction immediately began in building a massive JumboTron screen, dwarfing the screen at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium. "We felt we owed it to the cranks," announced Wheelmen owner Anheiser Van Pilsner at a press conference held today at Wheelmen Park. "The goal was to blend 19th century base ball with 21st century technology," Van Pilsner added, "and its a good thing...hey I'm doing my part to help the economy...although I may have to raise ticket prices from 10 to 25 cents."

Construction project foreman and Wheelmen outfielder "Sizzler" Wingate was having his doubts as to how the screen would be raised. "Have you ever seen us assemble the backstop?" shouted-out Wingate. Van Pilsner immediately denounced those comments and made assurances the screen will be ready for the 2010 season.

Above is an artist rendition and not the actual image.