Monday, April 11, 2011

The Game of the Century - Westfield Wheelmen vs. The Tradesmen of Westfield Voke in Scholarship Fund Raiser

Westfield, MA - In 2011 Westfield Vocational Technical High School is proudly celebrating its 100th Anniversary.  A major event to celebrate the anniversary will take place on Saturday May 14th at Westfield’s Bullens Field with a “Vintage” baseball game that will pit the Westfield Wheelmen Base Ball Club vs The Tradesman of Westfield Vocational Technical High School in a nostalgic style game of America’s pastime. This promises to be fun family event and we are expecting this to be a largely attended. More importantly, the money raised at this event will help support two very important scholarships at Westfield Voc-Tech High School: 1) The Michael Gonzales Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships for students to purchase tools for their trade and to further their education; and 2) The Scott Prefontaine Scholarship Fund, which helps our student athletes pay their sports user fees.