Thursday, November 4, 2010

19th Century Ballists Took PEDs

Why are we so hard on Barry Bonds and others when 19th Century ballists openly took PEDs? Checkout the ad from the 1890s promoting the benefits of sarsaparilla and then read the following excerpt from an on-line article titled 'What Are The Benefits of Sarsaparilla?';

"Sarsaparilla contains the plant steroids (steroidal saponins), which some believe can mirror the work of human hormones. However, the body is not able to transform plant steroids into human hormones, and the claim is yet to be validated by scientific evidence. Such perceived properties have resulted in the advertisement of sarsaparilla as a sexual enhancer for men and as an anabolic steroid replacement, for athletes and bodybuilders (sometimes under the name Smilax)."

WOW! I guess what Mark, Sammy and Barry did was exactly what any ball player would do in any era. HUZZAH!